Claim Customization

When you implement AmkaiOffice, insurance claim forms are already built into the system and are ready for you to print or submit electronically to payors. However, some payors require specific information for payment of claims that varies from the standard forms.

You can address these requirements by customizing key fields on the HCFA 1500 02-12 and UB04 claim forms.  You can make modifications to forms at the Business EntityA Business Entity (BE) typically represents a unit of business within a given database. The business can be an Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC), a physician's practice, an Anesthesia Billing unit, etc. Whether or not a BE is related to another BE within the same database is simply based on the business relationship between the two entities. They can be an ASC/Practice Management combination or an ASC/Anesthesia Billing combination, for example. BEs, whether related or not, typically have separate Federal Tax ID numbers. (BE) level and at the Insurance Carrier level. All modifications are made in the System Administration module.

At the Business Entity (BE) level, the changes you make impact all payors within your BE. The settings you change at this level should meet the most common requirements for a majority of your payors. You can then make further customizations for specific Carriers in the Insurance Carrier dictionary. The changes you make in this dictionary override the BE level settings for only those specific Carriers.

For example, if a majority of the insurance carriers with whom you work request that the referring provider's name be listed in this format, "last name, first name," (instead of "first name, last name"), you can customize your HCFA 1500 02-12 form so that the name fields are in the required order. However, if Acme Insurance requires the name be presented in the opposite order, you can make that change for Acme Insurance in the Insurance Carrier dictionary, and your changes here will only impact claim forms for Acme.

Note: Incorrect modification made to claim forms could result in claim rejections or delays in processing your claims.  We suggest you set your facility's Roles to ensure that the Claim Customization screens at both the BE and carrier levels are restricted to users who have been properly trained on how to modify the settings.

Note:  In most cases, Claim customization applies to paper claims only.  Electronic claims are not generally affected by changes made in the Claim Customization screen. If changes are needed for electronic claims, contact your Amkai support staff for assistance.

Modifying Field Values

To change or modify the information in a field on either of the form types (HCFA 1500 02-12 and UB04 claim forms), click the drop down arrow for the field and select a new value from the list. If you are changing a value with an associated qualifier, the qualifier must be changed as well.

For further information on modifying specific field types on the claim forms, click the following links. This information applies to both BE and Carrier level customization:

Click here for further information about specific fields on the HCFA 1500 02-12.

Click here for further information about specific fields on the UB04.

Business Entity Customization

You can customize claim forms at the Business Entity level from the Configuration from the heading on the System Administration Sheet Bar.

Click to learn how to customize claims at the Business Entity levelClick to learn how to customize claims at the Business Entity level
    1. Click Configuration > Claims CustomizationConfiguration > Claims Customization. A new Sheet BarSheet Bar appears with options under the Claim heading for you to select the form type to be customized.

    2. Select the type of claim form to customize:

    1. On the screen that appears (click the links for each form type in step 2 to view the screens), modify the necessary fields. See Modifying Field Values (above) for information how to modify on certain field types.

    2. Click Save.

    3. Your changes are now the default selections for all payors using the selected form type, unless you make further modifications at the Carrier level for particular payors.

Note: Please do not select HCFA 1500, as that form type is no longer accepted by payors.


Carrier Level Customization

You can customize claim forms for specific carriers in the Insurance Carrier dictionary.

Click to learn how to customize claims at the Carrier levelClick to learn how to customize claims at the Carrier level

    1. Click Dictionary > Items from the System Administration module Sheet Bar. The Items Sheet Bar appears.
    2. Expand the options under the letter I and click Insurance Carrier.
    3. A list of all Carriers in your BE displays. Double-click the Carrier for whom you wish to customize claim forms. The Edit Insurance Carrier dialogEdit Insurance Carrier dialog appears.

    4. Click the Form Customization link in the upper right of the dialog. (If this form has had one or more fields customized already for this carrier, the CF check box next to the Form Customization link will be checked.)
    5. The customization dialogcustomization dialog appears. The fields on this dialog will correspond to the form type required by the carrier (either the HCFA 1500 02-12 or UB04). The Inheritance Settings dialog will be laid over the top. This dialog shows all the settings that you could customize on the form. All current settings in boxes that are checked are "inherited" from the Business Entity settings. If the claim form has already been customized, the Inheritance Settings dialog will not automatically appear. In this case, click Inheritance Settings to launch the dialog)

    6. Uncheck the boxes for the fields you wish to customize and click OK. The Inheritance Settings dialog disappears and the fields you selected are now editable on the customization dialog.
    7. See Modifying Field Values (above) for information on editing certain field types.
    8. After you finish modifying all the Field Values you wish to customize, click OK to save your changes.


Anesthesia Business Entity Configuration

For specific instructions related to setup steps for Anesthesia Billing, see Setting up Anesthesia Billing.



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